Sunday, 21 July 2019

Tomb of the Serpent Kings: Session 1

Finally got around to running a session using my in-development Yoon-Suin Lamentations of the Flame Princess hack. I decided on using Skerples' Tomb of the Serpent Kings as one of the players hadn't experienced OSR gameplay before and I thought I'd put its teaching-dungeon credentials to the test (note: it succeeded, excellently).

The PCs are as follows:
  • Juddah Squelch - a slug-man from an opium-trading oligopolist clan.
  • Pierrot - a magician from a warrior family.
  • Lugash Primiestki - a dwarf from an architectural artisan hold.
 Having gotten themselves into a fair amount of debt, and having run out of familial goodwill to look after them, the party found themselves following the rambling of a feverish beggar outside the tea house they frequented and ventured into Old Town. Deep beneath the foundations of a collapsed manse they found their target: a tunnel entrance engraved with serpents.

Not far inside lay several rooms containing wooden coffins. After carefully examining and opening one of them, Lugash threw caution to the wind and smashed the terracotta snake-soldier inside. The the room immediately filled with poison gas billowing from the hole in the terracotta figure, luckily only affecting Pierrot.

The party settled into a steady routine of carefully prising open sarcophagi and hurling stones from a safe distance until the outer tomb was free of poison gas. They collected a decent collection of shiny gold amulets for their trouble and Pierrot, still suffering from his previous poisoning, popped on a silver ring granting him a snake-bite like finger-dagger-thing, which he was thoroughly impressed with.

A barred stone door blocked the way further into the complex, and the party fortunately noticed the mechanism raising the door brackets as they lifted the bar. Further investigation revealed a false ceiling above the door. Lugash rigged a pulley with his block and tackle and the party hoisted the bar out of the way from a safe distance, as an enormous hammer swung down and smashed the stone door (and the block and tackle) to smithereens.

The next chamber held three ornate sarcophagi. A rock thrown from afar disturbed the skeletal inhabitants. Pierrot conjured some crystalline armour (retaining the spell) and after a few crossbow bolts and judicious use of the hammer trap (including a shotgun-like blast of bone fragments from one skeleton tearing another apart) the party continued onwards, finding a grotesque religious fane and an exposed hidden passage.

Mikhail Greuli

The passage led to a statue lined corridor. Noticing one of the statues was slightly askew, the party discovered a hidden passage leading to an old guardroom containing weapons and shiny loot. They continued from there to a large chamber with numerous side-rooms and a pit in the centre. A smell of licorice filled the air and a muffled thumping echoed from one of the side-chambers. Pierrot and Lugash took a look in the pit only to be attacked by a pair of crawling, mummified serpent hands that leapt from the filthy water within. Pierrot was mildly throttled but the party survived mostly unharmed, and more importantly disease-free, and took to exploring the side rooms.

Discoveries included: a room full of terracotta-army style snake warrior statues, which were duly smashed and a hidden passage found; a silver and emerald icon in a former-dormitory, along with some ancient scrolls in a strange tongue; an unfinished, partially collapsed room; and a set of trapped stairs leading downwards (again, judicious rock-throwing was the party's friend).

The final room that the party investigated held another wooden sarcophagus, only this one contained a foul black slime creature that the party easily outran and sealed inside. It attempted to worm under the door but was driven back, and the party assembled a pre-made bonfire in front of the door in case more fire was needed.

In need of a rest the party made camp in the hidden guardroom, and Pierrot successfully shook off the lingering effects of the poison gas. The party returned to the pit room, and carefully avoiding the source of the thumping and banging, examined another tomb with some sort of metal plate attached to the far wall.

Juddah, despite continuing the careful rock throwing of earlier, stepped onto a pressure plate and was blasted with a bolt of lightning which caused a serious injury and fried their brain, causing them to attack their companions in a wild fury. Pierrot and Lugash attempted to restrain the insane slug-man, but the slippery dilettante proved too much and crippled Pierrot's arm with a blow from their polearm. Lugash and Pierrot took the opportunity to flee with the only light source, leaving the maddened Juddah swinging wildly in the dark. The slug-man's incoherent screams were abruptly cut off as Pierrot and Lugash heard a distinct splashing sound.

Lorenzo Nuti

Lugash tore up some spare clothing for bandages and managed to stem Pierrot's bleeding before going back to the pit. Using his darkvision and a length of rope, the dwarf hauled Juddah's body out of the pit and stripped it of valuables before returning it with a swift kick.

Upon returning to the Yellow City Pierrot was easily able to afford the standard of living befitting one of his family. Lugash was able to bluff his way through and went on a spending spree of equipment, before depositing his remaining money with a consortium of moneylenders and undertaking some legwork in the city, whereby he beguiled a group of merchants with stories of snake-crafted treasure. Pierrot sought the services of a physician which put them only a few weeks away from recovering from their grievous wound. They also recruited a labourer, Bepo, to assist them on their next adventure. The magician also uncovered evidence of a slug-man merchant named Surya Sodi who was smuggling goods through the city - a juicy piece of blackmail material. Through unknown means they also acquired a crab-man slave named Mr Krabbs*.

*Sometimes I really hate my players.

Thursday, 18 July 2019

Yoon-Suin: Disease, Poison, Death & Dismemberment

As seems to be relatively common among OSR games, I'm running HP in my games as a buffer for real damage. It's relatively easy to recover HP but the moment it's out you start taking some really nasty damage.

I've had a look round and decided to base my Death & Dismemberment system on James Young's So It Looks Like You're Gonna Die pamphlet, which in turn is based on Hack Slash Master's Crit Table (endless iteration!). I've made some changes, which I'll describe below, but some entries are copied wholesale because it's really hard to come up with over 100 distinct injury entries.

The system covers the following:
  1. Regaining HP
  2. Ability damage & XP drain
  3. Wound tables & recovery
  4. Shock
  5. Poison
  6. Disease

Stepan Alekseev

Regaining HP

Regaining HP is easy and can be done in one of two ways:
  1. An hour's lunch break with a campfire, food and drink restores 1d8+CON HP.
  2. A night's rest with a bedroll and a campfire, plus food and drink if you've not rested already, restores all HP. If anything is missing, it instead restores 1d8+CON HP like a lunch break.

Ability damage & XP drain 

Some monsters (and other things) can directly damage your stats, you die if any are reduced to 0. Damaged Ability Scores regenerate at a rate of 1 per day if you are active, or 1d6 per day if you rest (no adventuring or strenuous activity).

Really dangerous supernatural creatures can drain your XP (they suck the life and vitality right out of you) and cause you to lose levels if enough is drained. If you lose a level due to XP Drain your character immediately ages 2d10 years, and can take penalties due to advanced age. XP Drain cannot be reversed, save by powerful magic or artefacts, but you continue to gain XP as normal from your new total.

Wound tables & recovery

See the basic draft of the wound tables (to be fancied up). If you're taken below 0HP you count the extra damage into the negatives to find where you land on the appropriate table and suffer the effects. If you suffer any further wounds while recovering you progress from where you previously landed. Some entries to be clarified: +Fire, +Acid, +Lightning have specific effects if the wounding attack was based on them; +LMA stands for 'Lightning & Metal Armour', which (at the risk of sounding redundant) can take effect if you're struck by lightning while wearing metal armour.

You need bed rest/light duties to recover from wounds. Each wound has a duration that it takes to heal. Once per week, while getting bed rest in comfortable surroundings, you can be treated by another character with the Medicine skill. Success means your recovery is sped up by 1d6 days. Failure means that some element of your Wound becomes permanent due to the physician's incompetence. Alternatively you can pay for a physician to care for you in downtime - each day of medical care paid for counts as double your recovery time.

Both arcane and divine magic can provide healing. HP is restored first, then start knocking off recovery days. Save vs Luck when your wounds are magically healed - if you pass then you can be magically healed again the next day, otherwise you require a week's rest as the magical energies sap your strength. Certain spells can also cure Poison or Disease.


Shock represents internal and/or ongoing damage from attacks. Unlike wounds, shock stacks each Round with the effects getting progressively worse.There are two important factors here:
  1. A character's Shock Rating - this is the amount that they progress down the shock track each round. When suffering a wound that causes 'Shock X', use this for the initial Shock Rating.
  2. A character's position on the Shock Level - this determines the ill-effects they suffer on the shock table.

Shock is tracked at the end of each Round, so a character with a Shock Rating of 2 would progress down the track by 2 each Round. Shock can be removed by a successful Medicine skill roll, which reduces a character's Shock Rating and Shock Level by the margin of success on the roll (minimum 1). Bandages boost a Medicine skill roll to remove shock by +1 and are used up whether or not the roll is successful. The ill effects of shock are incremental - each level represents the total penalty. Shock is treated as ability damage - a character will recover from the ill effects of shock once their stats have recovered to their normal levels.


Like Shock this builds up over time and has a Poison Rating and Poison Level, but is tracked every Turn instead of every Round.

The Medicine skill can't help you here, but save vs Doom each Turn - on a success you lose a point of Poison Rating and decrease 1d6+CON spaces on the Poison Level track. Like shock, the poison track is not cumulative.


Diseases also use a track system, but this is a strict progression instead of having a Rating and Level like poison and shock. Disease is tracked in intervals instead of Round and Turns - each disease progresses at different intervals, some daily, some weekly etc.. Make a save vs Doom when the interval's duration has passed - being treated with a successful Medicine check provides a 1d4 bonus - on a failure you progress to the next stage of the disease. You require a certain number of successes to shake off the illness. As diseases take longer to develop their tracks are unique, so each plague brings different hazards.

Sunday, 14 July 2019

Yoon-Suin: Downtime

With further thanks to James Young for several of these entries.

So you made it out of whatever godsforsaken tomb you delved into, and you even have something shiny to show for it! You high-tail it back to the markets of the Yellow City to pawn off your ill-gotten gains and then... Well you're stuck here for the next month, you'd better find something to do.

When you return to civilisation, follow these steps:
  1. Cash in your treasure and decide how much of your debt to pay off (if any).
  2. Divide up the remaining treasure for XP purposes - 1 silver ring = 1 XP.
  3. Hold funerals for fallen companions - you can trade in their XP for silver rings spent on the funeral(s).
  4. Determine your lifestyle costs for this month.
  5. Go shopping! You can buy equipment, hire retainers and recruit hirelings in this step.
  6. Choose up to 2 downtime activities, as detailed below. Crab-men have a special set of options, decided upon by their master.
  7. Level up, if you can
Additional downtime activities may become available to you depending on how your characters progress.

Reliah A.

Regular Downtime Activities


You hit the town hard. Your indulge yourself with hedonistic indulgence in opium, tea, rice liquor, whores, and gambling. In mechanical terms you pay up an amount of silver and immediately gain that amount of XP. Your life of excess can have consequences, roll 1d10:
  • On a roll of 1 you become addicted to opium (roll again, 1-2 indicates a rare type).
  • On a roll of 2 your profligate spending lands you further in debt - roll 2d6 and add the total to the party's debt in gold rings.
  • On a roll of 9 you remember a story or rumour regarding a nearby location told during a night of unspeakable excess.
  • On a roll of 10 you immediately recruit a hireling - they're in this more for a laugh than anything and will only expect a quarter-share of treasure in the next session's adventure. They'll want more after that, of course.


Limited to Social Rank 6 or above. You deposit an amount of silver rings into an account run by a reputable and stable moneylender or oligopolist clan. This pays out a guaranteed 2% each month. You can nominate a successor to inherit your wealth if the worst happens, but a death tax of 10% applies your savings. If your Social Rank drops below 6 then your money is quietly returned to you and your account closed.


As per the Lamentations of the Flame Princess core rulebook. You invest a sum of money in a business venture hoping for a good return, paid out annually. You choose whether the investment if Stable, Risky, or Wild:
  • A Stable investment grows by 1d8-4% per year.
  • A Risky investment grows by 1d20-10% per year.
  • A Wild investment grows by 1d100-50% per year.
Add 10% to the above if you have an accountant managing the investment for you. If the final growth is positive you receive that amount to do with as you please. If the growth is negative you get nothing and the value of the investment decreases. The yearly return amounts 'explode' (positively and negatively) - if you roll the maximum on your investment die, roll again and add this to the total. If you again roll the maximum, make another roll, and so on. Do this for the minimum roll as well, and subtract that number from the return.

If you wish to withdraw your investment, you can only do so freely at the time of the yearly return. Otherwise a penalty of -1d6+4% is applied to the sum returned.

There is also a chance that any investment will go Bankrupt! during a given year and your investment vanishes:
  • Stable: 5%
  • Risky: 10%
  • Wild: 25%

Magical Research

Magicians and slug-men can devote time to arcane research in an attempt to research new spells. Holy-men can meditate and pray on divine mysteries to expand their portfolio of divine invocations. The process for each of these is identical - you pay 100 silver rings to cover the costs of your alchemical materials/divine incense etc. and roll for a new spell/invocation. You can pay in multiples of 100 to reroll the result, but you must specify this beforehand and all payments are final - you don't get a refund for unused rerolls.

To make a magic item you must pay 1d6gp to purchase commonly available reagents.

You must use materials that are soaked in magical, spiritual or otherwise otherworldly energy when creating something magical. For example - regular parchment can't hold the magical energy needed to make a magic scroll but the ritually tattooed and tanned skin of a prince, a strip of cloth from a fakir's robe, or a spell etched into the scale of a dragon definitely could. Likewise a regular length of wood is entirely unsuited for use as a magic vessel, but the finger of a treant, or the petals of a lily that grows in a magic spring would be perfect for a vessel or potion base, respectively.

Inscriptions are one-use instances of a spell - when they are cast the inscription crumbles to ash and adds an extra level of the appropriate class to the spell effects. Thus, scrolls can be cast by anyone (even non-spellcasters) if they have been identified and are legible.

Potions distil the essence of a spell into liquid form. It takes an action to drink a potion and the effects take place immediately. Like inscriptions, potions provide one appropriate level to the effects. The nature of the spell will usually make the effect of the potion obvious, but if not then consult me.

Vessels are a physical containers for spells, i.e. a magic wands or staves. A vessel has an integrity rating based on how long the base material was exposed to magic - 1d100 years exposed for an organic material, decades for an inorganic one. Imbuing a spell into a vessel decreases its integrity by 2d10 years/decades. When creating the vessel you must confirm how many of your levels you are investing into it. Your powers are then stripped from you for an equivalent number of weeks. The vessel has this many levels that can be used to cast the spell contained within, and you can add your own levels on top of this. When you attempt to use the vessel you must roll under its integrity on a d100, adding 10 to your roll for each of your own levels that you added. A successful Arcana check reduces the result by 10 for each margin of success, to a minimum of 10 (1). Success means that the spell casts as normal, failure means the vessel loses d100 integrity and you suffer a Arcane Cascade or Thaumaturgic Revelation. If a vessel is reduced to 0 integrity it is destroyed in an explosion of barely constrained chaos.


You frequent the tea houses, opium dens and marketplaces of the movers and shakers in the Yellow City, hunting for something juicy and a way up the well-greased pole of Yellow City social life. Roll on the table below (1d10):
  1. Your questions and obvious obsequiousness ruffle the wrong feathers. You are cornered in an alley, beaten, and robbed of 1d50% of your wealth.
  2. All in vain - the tea houses are closed to you, the opium fiends shun you, and your contacts pretend like you don't exist.
  3. You hear some interesting rumours about a location, known or unknown. It might be nearby or in the far reaches of the Purple Land, but the rumours are guaranteed to be useful.
  4. You drink and smoke with some explorers from (1d3) 1. Lahag, 2. Lamarakh, 3. Sughd. They impart some useful wisdom regarding the various threats and terrors of their lands.
  5. You strike up a friendship with a local fisherman down by the docks. He'll ferry you out to the Topaz Islands for a small share of the loot you recover.
  6. You beguile a wealthy merchant with your tales of treasure and lost artefacts. They'll pay 10% more for your next haul of loot.
  7. Your stories of wondrous places and filthy lucre encourage a retainer of your choice to accompany you on your next adventure for half their going rate.
  8. Your careful eavesdropping and judicious bribery net you some fantastic blackmail material on a wealthy personage in the Yellow City.
  9. You cultivate a relationship with a wealthy patron, fickle though they are. Your next lifestyle roll cost is halved thanks to their patronage.
  10. Choose any result on this table.

Expert Research 

Mundane topics limited to Social Rank 4 and above. Magical topics limited to Social Rank 7 or above. You seek out a learned sage to question them about your discoveries. Magical items can be investigated and identified and the sages can shed knowledge on various creatures and phenomena when given enough time. The various madrasas and archives of the Yellow City all require payment for their services, though these costs often fluctuate wildly and the scholars are very choosy about who they will assist. Expert Research costs 1d6+2 gold rings for a purely mundane topic, and double for a magical one. If you can't pay the total, this activity is wasted.

Medical Aid

You hire a doctor of physic and their attendants to heal your wounds via physical and magical means. Mundane healing services cost 28 silver rings per day, or 280 for a month. You recover from wounds twice as fast while under the care of a physician. You can also pay quadruple the day rate to be healed using magic - roll 1d6+2 for the number of days knocked off your recovery time, then Save vs Luck - if you pass then you can be healed the next day, otherwise you must wait a week as the magical energies sap your strength.

Patricio Clarey

Crab-Man Downtime Activities

Your master decides which activity you will undertake:

Crab-Man Wrestling

Crab-man wrestling bouts draw big crowds in the Yellow City and winners can win big. Pay in a stake of 1d8 gold rings, then multiply this by 1d10 - this is the overall pot to be won. Crab-man wrestling tournaments traditionally consist of 32 competitors competing in pairs over 5 rounds - the object is to push your opponent out of the ring, or throw them onto their back and immobilise them. First place in the tournament receives 70% of the pot, second place receives 20%, and third place receives 5%.

When preparing for a bout, roll to see the calibre of your opponent and the modifier for their wrestling rolls:
  1. Puny (-2)
  2. Weak (-1)
  3. Average (0)
  4. Average (0)
  5. Strong (+1)
  6. Mighty (+2)
When fighting in your bout, use the usual wrestling rules. A wrestling ring is 20' in diameter, and it is assumed that both contestants immediately grapple each other at the centre. A pin counts as you having flipped your opponent onto their back and immobilised them.

Train at Fighting Stable

Your master pays for you to be trained in combat by specialist tutors, who also train wrestlers, bodyguards and soldiers. Pay up an amount of silver and gain that amount of XP.

Porter Duties

Your master rents your services as a porter. You spend the month running errands, carrying various worthies and hauling goods. Your master receives 5d100 silver rings for your trouble, and your hard labour means that you ignore a second level of Encumbrance (so you can carry up to 12 items without increasing your encumbrance score) until you next return to the Yellow City.

Assist Master

You attend to your master's side while they go about their business. Your master may reroll a single result on one of their activities and keep the better result. Through close observation of your master you gain XP equivalent to their chosen result x 50.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Yoon-Suin: Classes

I'll be using the following classes in my Lamentations of the Flame Princess game set in Yoon-Suin:
  • Warrior
  • Thief
  • Magician
  • Holy-Man
  • Dwarf
  • Slug-Man
  • Crab-Man

The classes are mostly unchanged in terms of saves and hit dice, but there are some class ability modifications to note down. I've made alterations with a view of having a power curve around 5th level, but this can be expanded if need be.

Ariel Perez


Hit Die: d8
Minimum HP at 1st level: 8HP
Saves & XP progression: As Fighter
Alignment: Neutral

Combat Skill: Warriors gain +1 to hit per level. Their starting bonus is +2 at 1st level.

Weapon Proficiency: From 2nd level, when gaining a level warriors gain a proficiency point that they can spend to enhance their abilities with weapons. The warrior must have killed an enemy with the type of weapon they want to spend the point on during their previous level and the proficiencies must be purchased in order in each category:
  • Blades
    • +1 to hit.
    • +1 AC in melee.
    • Enemies can only flank you if there are 3 or more of them engaging you.
  • Axes
    • +1 to hit.
    • Triple damage when charging.
    • You can damage your weapon on a successful hit to sunder an enemy's armour by 1d4+1 AC.
  • Bludgeons
    • +1 to hit.
    • +1 to damage.
    • If you roll max damage on a successful hit then your enemy is stunned and counts as Surprised until the end of the next Round.
  • Polearms
    • +1 to hit.
    • +1 to hit.
    • If an enemy moves to engage you in melee you may make an immediate free attack against them.
  • Bows 
    • +1 to hit.
    • Range increments increased by 10' 
    • If wielding a bow you can attack twice in one round, with a -4 penalty to hit on the second shot. If wielding a crossbow reloading time is halved.

Combat Master: At 3rd level, warriors increase their critical success range by 1 in combat, meaning that they will inflict a critical hit on a natural 19-20.

Cleave: At 5th level, if a warrior kills an enemy in melee they may immediately make an attack against another adjacent enemy. This ability explodes, so if they kill that enemy they may attack another, and so on.



Hit Die: d6
Minimum HP at 1st level: 4
Saves & XP progression: As Specialist
Alignment: Neutral

Skill Bonus: When reaching a new level, thieves receive +2 skill points to spend as they wish.

I Know A Guy: Thieves add +2 to their rolls when performing Legwork or Mundane Research downtime activities.

Lucky: At 3rd level a thief may re-roll one roll per day.

Vicious: At 5th level a thief does double damage on a successful backstab.

Hyun Lee


Hit Die: d4
Minimum HP at 1st level: 3
Saves & XP progression: As Magic-User
Alignment: Chaotic

Arcane Magic: Magicians begin play knowing 3 arcane spells and can prepare one spell in their spellbook, per level. Thus a 3rd level magician could have 3 prepared spells. Magicians can cast a prepared spell as an action. When casting they must make a Save vs Magic - if they succeed then they can cast the spell again, if not then it is no longer prepared. Magicians can research one new spell for free when they gain a level, though they much still spend downtime doing so.

Risky Casting: A magician can attempt to cast an unprepared spell. If so they must make a Save vs Magic, with the following modifiers:
  • -1 for each HP lost below the magician's max HP.
  • -2 for each wound the magician has.
  • -1 for each level of Shock, Poison, and/or Disease suffered.
  • -1 if the magician suffered damage in the last round.
  • -2 if the spell is being cast from memory.
  • -1 for each point of Encumbrance.
If the magician passes the Save then the spell takes effect normally. If they fail, they suffer an Arcane Cascade.

Summon: A magician may attempt to summon an eldritch entity as per the Summon spell in the Lamentations of the Flame Princess core rulebook. Prepared spells may be sacrificed to provide bonuses as per Thaumaturgic Circles and Sacrifices.

Counterspell: At 3rd level a magician may sacrifice a prepared spell to nullify the effects of a spell cast by an opponent. The magician must Save vs Magic when attempting the counterspell, with the difference between caster levels applied as a positive or negative modifier.

Signature Spell: At 5th level the magician chooses one of their spells. Their level counts as 2 higher for the purposes of spell effects. When rolling to see if they spell remains prepared after casting, they receive a +2 bonus.

Silviu Sadoschi


Hit Die: d6
Minimum HP at 1st level: 4
Saves & XP progression: As Cleric
Alignment: Lawful

Thaumaturgic Vessel: Holy-men begin play knowing 3 divine prayers and can prepare one prayer in their prayer scroll, per level. Thus a 3rd level holy-man could have 3 prepared spells. Holy-men can invoke a prepared spell as an action. When casting they must make a Save vs Magic - if they succeed then they can invoke the prayer again, if not then it is no longer prepared.

Risky Invocation: A holy-man can attempt to invoke an unprepared prayer. If so they must make a Save vs Magic, with the following modifiers:
  • -1 for each HP lost below the holy-man's max HP.
  • -2 for each wound the holy-man has.
  • -1 for each level of Shock, Poison, and/or Disease suffered.
  • -1 if the holy-man suffered damage in the last round.
  • -2 if the prayer is being invoked from memory.
  • -1 for each point of Encumbrance.
If the holy-man passes the Save then the prayer takes effect normally. If they fail, they suffer an Thaumaturgic Revelation.

Blessing: A holy-man can create holy water. Around a litre of water must be placed in a site sacred to the holy-man's deity and the holy-man must sacrifice a prepared spell over the water every day for a week, usually during a religious ceremony.

Turn Undead: A holy-man may channel divine power against the undead as per the rules for Turn Undead in the Lamentations of the Flame Princess core rulebook. They may perform this a number of times per day equal to their level.

Lay on Hands: At 3rd level, a holy-man may take an action to sacrifice a prepared spell to restore 1d4HP to a target that they are touching. This increases to 1d6 at 5th level.

Divine Favour: From 5th level a holy-man may take an action to sacrifice a prepared spell to grant a target within view +2 to all rolls for 1d6 Rounds.

Carlo Arellano


Hit Die: d8
Minimum HP at 1st level: 6
Saves & XP progression: As Dwarf
Alignment: Neutral

Halls of the Mountain Kings: Dwarves are naturally at home when underground and have darkvision out to 100'. They can always tell if an underground passage is sloping up or down and are knowledgeable about many aspects of architecture and stonework.

Language: Dwarves can speak, read, and write the language of their hold.

Doom: The holds of the dwarves were destroyed long in the past. According to the elders, your hold was brought to ruin by (d10):
  1. A plague released from the foul depths of the earth (disease).
  2. Vengeful spirits returned to destroy the living (undead).
  3. A civil war between clan leaders (dwarves).
  4. Otherworldly daemons that clawed their way from the dark (outsiders).
  5. Golem servants that rebelled against you (automata).
  6. Treacherous contamination of the hold's drinking water (poison).
  7. A wyrm from the high mountains who brought ice and snow with them (dragons).
  8. A cabal of mighty magicians wielding unstoppable sorcery (magicians).
  9. The herald of a now-dead god (holy-men).
  10. A terrible curse from a broken taboo (curse).
You gain +2 to rolls when confronting the doom of your hold, i.e. +2 to attacks against outsiders for 4, or +2 to saves vs poison for 6, but if you attempt to flee from the object of your doom you must make a save vs Doom with a -2 penalty - failure means that you stay and fight. Context matters - leaving an otherwise harmless poison spike trap wouldn't trigger a save, but your party fleeing from combat with a poisonous spider might do. If other dwarves find out that you have fled in the face of your doom you will be shunned as a coward (reduced to social rank 2) until you can redeem yourself.

Terrifying Mask: It is customary for dwarves to wear finely made, yet grotesque, masks when not in the private company of dwarves. If a dwarf charges an enemy with a fierce battlecry while wearing their mask, the target must make an immediate morale check or flee in terror.

Plumb the Depths: Dwarves begin play with +1 to their Climbing skill.

Natural Warriors: Dwarves gain an additional +1 bonus to hit at 3rd level, and another +1 bonus at 5th level.

JD Duncan


Hit Die: d6
Minimum HP at 1st level: 4
Saves & XP progression: As Elf
Alignment: Chaotic

Mollusc: Slug-men do not require a camp fire to regain HP and can drink through their skin. However, alcohol and salt are harmful to slug-men (treat as holy water).

Language: Slug-men can speak, read and write the slug-man tongue.

Arcane Magic: Slug-men begin play knowing 1 arcane spell and can prepare one spell in their spellbook, per level. Thus a 3rd level slug-man could have 3 prepared spells. Slug-men can cast a prepared spell as an action. When casting they must make a Save vs Magic - if they succeed then they can cast the spell again, if not then it is no longer prepared.

Risky Casting: A slug-man can attempt to cast an unprepared spell. If so they must make a Save vs Magic, with the following modifiers:
  • -1 for each HP lost below the slug-man's max HP.
  • -2 for each wound the slug-man has.
  • -1 for each level of Shock, Poison, and/or Disease suffered.
  • -1 if the slug-man suffered damage in the last round.
  • -2 if the spell is being cast from memory.
  • -1 for each point of Encumbrance. 
If the slug-man passes the Save then the spell takes effect normally. If they fail, they suffer an Arcane Cascade.

Masters of the Yellow City: Slug-men can always access all downtime activities, regardless of social ranking.

Decadent: The effects of rare opium and rare tea are twice as potent for slug-men.

Commanding Presence: From 3rd level slug-men gain a +1 modifier to reaction rolls when recruiting and commanding hirelings and henchmen. This increases to +2 at 5th level.

Eyestalks: Slug-men have an excellent field of vision and are harder to catch by surprise (1-in-6 chance instead of (2-in-6).

Joe Sparrow (Dungeons & Drawings)


Hit Die: d10
Minimum HP at 1st level: 8
Saves & XP progression: As Halfling
Alignment: Neutral

Crushing Grip: Crab-men can't use weapons, but their mighty claws deal 2d8 + STR damage on a successful hit.

Language: Crab-men can speak the crab-man tongue. There is no written form of this language. They are able to speak the common tongue, albeit haltingly, but can seldom read it.

Slave: Crab-men are enslaved in the Yellow City and cannot increase their social rank past 0. Choose another PC as the crab-man's master when creating the character. Crab-men are still assigned a share of treasure for XP purposes as normal, but this is kept and managed by their owner. Crab-men cannot take part in regular downtime but have access to the following unique activities: enter crab-man wrestling competition, train at crab-man fighting stable, hire out for porter duties, assist your master.

Thick Shell: Crab-men can't wear armour, but their base AC begins at 16. This increases to AC 17 at 3rd level, and to 18 at 5th level.

Clumsy: Crab-men take -4 on all rolls requiring fine manipulation, like reading an inscription or using a vessel.

Powerful: Crab-men take +2 on all rolls requiring brute force, like breaking down a door. Crab-men can carry an additional 6 items past their strength limit before suffering encumbrance.

Combat Instincts: A crab-man's combat bonus increases in line with the warrior. Thus they begin play with a +2 attack bonus, which increases by +1 each level.

Sunday, 16 June 2019

Yoon-Suin: Character Creation

"... It never fails to impress a visitor to the Yellow City that its citizens are by turns the wealthiest, most refined, and most educated people in all the world, yet at the same time capable of the most malicious cruelties and licentious depravities. Like all those whose societies are ancient and rich, they are also cynical and filled with ennui. The most singular feature of their life, which strikes any visitor the moment he arrives, is their strict hierarchical stratification, which all inhabitants obey without question..."
From the journal of Laxmi Guptra Dahl, 'Being an account of a traveller in distant places' (Yoon-Suin, Davd McGrogan)

I hope David doesn't mind me using a bit of flavour text from the excellent in-character introduction to the Purple Land. Also, this post wouldn't have been possible without the fantastic work of d4 Caltrops.

My players will be starting in the Yellow City, home of the slug-men and the teeming mass of humanity and crab-men that toil under them. I've chosen this amoral, squalid hive for several reasons:

  • It's an amoral, squalid hive that mercilessly preys on the weak, and thus gives PCs many chances to trip themselves up.
  • It's cosmopolitan and allows for no end of variety in terms of character origin and NPCs.
  • It's conveniently close to several sources of adventure (Old Town, the Gulf of Morays & the Topaz Isles) has plenty of opportunities for city adventures in and of itself, and isn't far from Lahag and Lamarakh for haunted jungle and river adventures, respectively.

These posts are going to contain a reasonable amount of basic info that most of you will know because I'm planning on incorporating all of these into some sort of booklet and my players never learn. There will be some new stuff though, I promise.

Perfect. Let us begin.

Ruxing Gao

The Basics - Attribute Scores, Class & Saves 

We're using the standard Lamentations of the Flame Princess array here - 3d6 for each score rolled in order. You can swap two of them once you're done.

Charisma (CHA)
Gravitas, leadership and magnetism. Used to inspire loyalty in underlings and comrades.

Constitution (CON)
Hardiness and overall health. Affects your HP total, positively or negatively.

Dexterity (DEX)
Co-ordination and speed. Affects your AC total, ranged attack modifier.
Intelligence (INT)
In-world knowledge and mental fortitude. Affects your Languages skill and saves vs Magic.

Strength (STR)
Brawn and muscle. Affects your melee attack modifier and your d6 target to break open doors etc.

Wisdom (WIS)
Divine favour and luck. Affects all other saves.

The following modifiers apply to your scores:

Ability ScoreModifier

Next, choose your class and rolls your starting HP. Below are some brief details on each one, but I'll be writing a more in-depth post soon. Each class is designed to have a specific focus:
  • Warrior: you're good at killing things, you can choose weapon specialisations to improve your kill-iness.
  • Thief: you know a lot, you're the only class that gets reliable skill bonuses, allowing you to interact with lots of different things.
  • Magician: you have breached the veils of the arcane and can cast arcane spells, you can also create magic items with enough resources.
  • Holy Man: the gods favour you strongly, you can cast divine prayers and can also create divine items with enough resources.
  • Dwarf: your masked people are a remnant of their former glory, but you are skilled in battle and you know the underworld well.
  • Slug-Man: you sit at the top of the Yellow City's decadent hierarchy, and you know a spell or two.
  • Crab-Man: you are a slave, but you are mighty and your shell is as strong as steel.

Once you've chosen your class, note your saves. Your saves are determined by your class and improve as you level up (some other things that happen to your character in game might also affect them). There are 5 save categories that defend against different threats:
  • Stun - protects against movement and mobility-based effects, such as a spider's web, a slippery floor, or a powerful blast of air.
  • Doom - protects against effects that bypass HP damage, like poison, disease, and drugs.
  • Blast - protects against AoE (area of effect), like a dragon's breath, falling rubble, or a firebomb.
  • Magic - protects against magic spells, including magic items, divine prayers and other miscellaneous supernatural powers.
  • Luck - used when none of the above apply, and represents your inherent luck and the favour of the gods.

Marcelo Lee

Backgrounds & Professions

Next we need to find where your character came from - the life they had before adventuring. This has two areas:
  • Your background gives an idea of your social position and where you fit into life in the Yellow City. It also shows the cost (in silver rings) you need to pay each month on maintaining your social standing while living in the Yellow City.
  • Your profession is the job you did in the context of that background, badly. It also increases one of your skills and gives you some starting gear.


The below should be self-explanatory, but for reference:
  • Humans are spread all over Yoon-Suin. If you are from the Yellow City or Lamarakh/Sea Nomads, roll on the appropriate table. Otherwise roll on the generic human background, which covers humans from the Hundred Kingdoms, the Oligarchies, and Sughd. If you want to decide your origin randomly, roll 1d3: 1. Yellow City, 2. Lamarakh/Sea Nomads, 3. Other.
  • Slug-Men, Crab-Men and Dwarves inhabit the Yellow City and as such have a single table each.


Yellow City Human
d20CasteSocial RankMonthly Upkeep
1-3Slave (if male, 50% chance of being a eunuch)10sr
4-7Untouchable (born of a prostitute, criminal, cockroach breeder)236sr
8-13Low caste (born of a waged labourer, servant, entertainer)345sr
14-16Commercial caste (born of a stall or shop owner)4210sr
17-19Warrior caste (born of a soldier; if male, 30% chance of being a eunuch)5490sr
20Artisan caste (born of a jeweller, weaver, dyer, refiner)61940sr

Lamarakhi/Sea Nomad
d10CasteSocial RankMonthly Upkeep
1Slave (re-roll to on geographic origin table for parentage)10sr
2-4Ordinary parents345sr
5-7Born of a skilled hunter or fisher4210sr
8-9Born of a powerful warrior5490sr
10Born of a shaman or summoner61940sr

Other Human
d20CasteSocial RankMonthly Upkeep
1-3Slave (if male, 50% chance of being a eunuch)10sr
4-7Untouchable (born of a prostitute, criminal, vagrant)236sr
8-12Low caste (born of a rice farmer, worm breeder, waged labourer, servant)345sr
13-14Merchant caste (born of a trader, salesman)4210sr
15-16Warrior caste (born of a soldier, guard, assassin; if male, 40% chance of being a eunuch)5490sr
17-18Artisan caste (born of a jeweller, weaver, dyer, refiner, tea brewer)61940sr
19Landowning caste (born of a plantation owner or landed aristocracy)72030sr
20Nobility (born of a ruler)84610sr


d6CasteSocial RankMonthly Upkeep
1-2Criminal clan82360sr
3-4Brahmin clan (sages, tax collectors, archivists, bureaucrats)92940sr
5-6Oligopolist clan (opium, tea, slave traders)103420sr


d6CasteSocial RankMonthly Upkeep
1Outcast (criminals, exiles, outlaws)228sr
2-3Swordsman family (guards, mercenaries, assassins)5490sr
3-5Remnant aristocracy71940sr
6Artisans (jewellers, goldsmiths, armourers)84610sr


d4OriginSocial RankMonthly Upkeep

3Born and bred in the Yellow City


Once you have determined your background, roll for your profession on the relevant tables below, noting down the skill bonus and items listed. Items in bold are oversized (count as 2 items), items in italics don't count towards encumbrance (exceptions apply, but more on that in the upcoming equipment post):


d20Slave ProfessionStarting SkillStarting Items
1Litter BearerClimbingBroken palanquin support (staff), bandages
2Domestic SlaveStealthIron ration, flask of plum wine
3CookBushcraftRolling pin (cudgel), cooking gear
4Food TasterSleight of HandDinner knife (dagger), antidote vial
5Bathing AttendantMedicine2 scented oil vials, soap
6GladiatorBackstabMoplah (sword), flask of oil
7Worm-HandlerAnimal HandlingPheromone stick (staff), vworm pheromone vial
8PorterAnimal HandlingCudgel, waterproof pouch
9ConcubineAppraiseStiletto, gem-studded collar
10MinerClimbingPick, lantern
11Temple SlaveArcanaHoly water vial, wooden holy symbol
12TutorLanguagesPenknife (dagger), pen & ink
13Handmaid/ValetAppraiseNeedle & thread, fine clothing
14Galley SlaveSailingFid (cudgel), pouch of salt
15LabourerClimbingAxe handle (cudgel), extra ration
16Bedchamber AttendantSleight of HandRazor (dagger), incense sticks
17Harem GuardStealthKukri (dagger), lantern
18Head SlaveLanguagesBamboo danda (staff), fancy robes
19MusicianTinkeringInstrument, flask of rice wine
20Fan-bearerStealthBig palm fan, makeup kit

d20Untouchable ProfessionStarting SkillStarting Items
1ButcherBushcraftCleaver (axe), 2 iron rations
2TannerBushcraftHammer, specialist tools
3GongfarmerClimbingSpade, herb-infused mask
4ExecutionerBackstabAxe, manacles
5GravediggerClimbingSpade, 50' rope
6Cockroach BreederAnimal HandlingGoad, tame cockroach
7SlaughtererBackstabRam dao (sword), flask of blood
8WasherAppraiseKettle, soap
9ProstituteAppraiseBagh nakh (caestus), makeup kit
10PickpocketSleight of HandPalitai (dagger), 10 copper rings
11River DredgerSailingNet, bucket
12BeggarSleight of HandCudgel, waterproof cloak
13MurdererBackstabGarotte, fingerbone necklace
14LeatherworkerSleight of HandSmall hammer, needle & thread
15FisherBushcraft10' pole, fishing gear
16ScavengerStealthSpade, sack
17Corpse CollectorStealthLantern, handcart
18EmbalmerTinkeringScalpel (dagger), flask of embalming fluid
19TorturerMedicineManacles, specialist tools
20VagrantSleight of HandStaff, steel mirror

Low Caste
d20Low Caste ProfessionStarting SkillStarting Items
1PotterAppraiseChalk, bag of clay
2CarpenterTinkeringTarangalah (axe), drill
3FenceAppraiseShort sword, 15 silver rings
4AcrobatClimbingRope dart (throwing knife), 50' silk rope
5Worm-BreederAnimal HandlingPheromone stick (staff), worm pheromone vial
6DockworkerClimbingBoat hook (polearm), 50' rope
7SailorSailingCudgel, flask of arrack
8PorterAnimal HandlingLantern, rickshaw
9BarberMedicineRazor (dagger), bandages
10RoperClimbingPisau raut (dagger), 50' rope
11GuideBushcraftBillhook, 2 iron rations
12CookBushcraftCleaver (axe), cooking gear
13Ink-makerLanguagesKnife (dagger), jar of ink
14Club-FighterBackstabCudgel, bandages
15Opium dealerAppraisePipe, opium
16BuilderTinkeringHammer, bag of mortar
17CourierClimbingSling & full pouch, waterproof pouch
18MusicianSleight of HandInstrument, 3 silver rings
19Beetle-HerderAnimal HandlingGoad (spear), beetle egg ration
20TattooistSleight of HandScarring knife (dagger), jar of ink

Commercial Caste
d20Commercial ProfessionStarting SkillStarting Items
1BlacksmithTinkeringHammer, iron ingot
2Slave MasterBackstabWhip, cowering slave
3Tea House OwnerAppraiseKettle, rare tea sachet
4ArmourerTinkeringHammer, brass laminar (medium armour)
5DistillerBushcraftTabar (axe), 2 flasks of arrack
6Book TraderLanguagesParang (dagger), book
7AccountantAppraiseAbacus, 6 silver rings
8Beetle StablerAnimal HandlingGoad (spear), pack beetle
9Warehouse OwnerClimbingDagger axe, Crowbar
10MoneylenderAppraiseScales, 1 golden ring
11ApothecaryMedicineAntidote vial, incense sticks
12AuctioneerAppraiseTeak danda (staff), megaphone
13WeaponsmithTinkeringTulwar (sword), flask of oil
14Shrine DevotaryArcanaCudgel, iron holy symbol
15TranslatorLanguagesPen & ink, cypher
16BowyerTinkeringBow & full quiver, 50' rope
17PhysicianMedicineBandages, jarred leech
18Opium Den OwnerAppraisePipe, rare opium
19Crab-Man Stable OwnerAnimal Handling50' rope, jar of lurid paint & brush
20ScribeLanguagesPen & ink, parchment

Warrior Caste
d20Warrior ProfessionStarting SkillStarting Items
1AssassinStealthParang (dagger), poison vial
2MercenaryAppraiseTulwar (sword), shield
3BodyguardStealthDao (sword), bronze mail (medium armour)
4Sword SchoolBackstab1 urumi (sword), kris (dagger)
5Palace GuardArcanaMountain scale (heavy armour), holy symbol (silver)
6Martial ArtistClimbing2 chakrams, 5 caltrops
7CorsairSailingAnkusha (axe), 50' rope & grapnel
8Beast HunterBushcraftGreatspear (polearm), net
9GladiatorBackstabBhuj (axe), woven grass armour (light armour)
10Worm-RiderAnimal HandlingLance, worm pheromone vial
11SlaverBushcraftMancatcher, net
12Archery SchoolSleight of HandBow & full quiver, elephant leather armour (light armour)
13Temple GuardianArcanaMonk's spade (polearm), divine inscription
14EmissaryLanguagesWedong (dagger), fancy robes
15Squid-Man HunterSailingTrishula (trident), flask of ink
16Fire-LancerSleight of HandFire lance & loader hireling
17Siege EngineerTinkeringHammer, compass
18Elephant-RiderAnimal HandlingHeavy crossbow & full quiver, chisel
19Magician HunterArcanaLight crossbow & full quiver, arcane inscription
20Crab-Man CatcherSailingGada (mace), 50' rope

Artisan Caste
d20Artisan ProfessionStarting SkillStarting Items
1JewellerArcanaMagnifying lens, specialist tools
2Silk WeaverSleight of HandLong needle (dagger), 50' silk rope
3DyerSleight of Hand50' bolt of cloth, 2 dye vials
4SilversmithTinkeringSmall hammer, bundle of silver wire
5Master ChefBushcraftCleaver (axe), fancy robes
6SculptorSleight of HandRasp (cudgel), bag of mortar
7MasonAppraiseHammer, block & tackle
8TailorStealthNeedle & thread, golden embroidery thread
9ArchitectLanguagesPen & ink, 10' pole
10ShipwrightSailingLumber axe (great weapon), 50' rope
11Shrine ArtistArcanaHoly water vial, jar of paint & brush
12GoldsmithAppraiseSmall hammer, mercury vial
13EngraverSleight of HandSmall hammer, 10 iron spikes
14CoinerAppraiseFancy robes, 1 gold ring
15Crab-Man Art ProcurerSailingShishpar (mace), specialist tools
16Exploring GuildBushcraftArcane inscription, 5 sheets of parchment
17LibrarianArcanaScroll case, spellbook (1 spell)
18BookmakerLanguagesScroll case, pen & ink
19BotanistMedicinePitchfork (spear), 2 antidote vials
20Glass-blowerSleight of HandIron blowpipe (staff), 5 glass vials

Landowning Caste/Noble
d20Family SpecialityStarting SkillStarting Items
1SpicesBushcraftFancy robes, 3 gold rings
2MercantilismSailingBow & full quiver, net
3Precious MetalsAppraisePatag (sword), 3 gold rings
4OpiumStealth5 opium doses, 1 rare opium
5War BeastsAnimal HandlingHeavy crossbow & full quiver, vel (spear)
6PolitickingBackstab3 antidote vials, rare poison vial
7PietySleight of HandDivine inscription, silver holy symbol
8TeaMedicineRare tea sachet, jarred leech
9KnowledgeLanguagesRitual kris (dagger), random vessel
10SorceryArcanaArcane inscription, random potion


Criminal Clan
d4Criminal EnterpriseStarting SkillStarting Items
1ProstitutionMedicineBlackmail material, random potion
2GamblingSleight of HandLoaded dice, indebted follower
3Loan SharkingAppraiseList of debtors, well-muscled follower
4SmugglingStealthWaterproof pouch, random vessel

Brahmin Clan
d4Area of KnowlegdeStarting SkillStarting Items
1Tax CollectionAppraiseStrongbox, specialist tools
2ArchivesLanguagesLantern, arcane inscription
3BureaucracyBackstabArmoured robe (light armour), kila (dagger)
4SorceryArcanaSandalwood danda (staff), random vessel

Oligopolist Clan
d4Mercantile EnterpriseStarting SkillStarting Items
1OpiumMedicinePipe, 1 rare opium
2TeaBushcraftCooking gear, 1 rare tea sachet
3SlavesLanguagesScourge (whip), 2 cowering slaves
4MineralsAppraiseMirror plate (heavy armour), porter follower


d4Reason for ExileStarting SkillStarting Items
1CowardiceStealthBranding iron (cudgel), silver holy symbol
2Taboo-breakerBushcraftBolo (short sword), iron lamellar (medium armour)
3PoisonerBackstabPesh-kabs (dagger), rare poison vial
4ThiefSleight of HandKujang (dagger), 10 iron spikes

Swordsman Family
d4Family TraditionStarting SkillStarting Items
1AssassinationBackstabLuwuk (short sword), garotte
2MercenariesAppraiseNiabor (sword), rawhide lamellar (medium armour)
3BodyguardsLanguagesIron splinted mail (heavy armour), miaodao (greatsword)
4Bounty huntersBushcraftJian (sword), net

Remnant Aristocracy
d4LineageStarting SkillStarting Items
1Automata-makersTinkeringCrowbar, specialist tools
2WarriorsBackstabDadao (great weapon), mirror plate (heavy armour)
3ExplorersClimbing50' silk rope, lantern
4Empire-buildersLanguagesFancy robes, linkboy follower

d4Hold SpecialityStarting SkillStarting Items
1GoldsmithsAppraiseFancy robe, specialist tools
2JewellersSleight of HandSmall hammer, eye lens
3ArmourersAppraiseMaul (great weapon), 2 flasks of oil
4ArchitectureClimbingIron yardstick (staff), block & tackle


Crab-Man Slave
d4DutiesStarting SkillStarting Items
1PorterStealthYoke, pair of saddlebags
2ExecutionerBackstabBone charm decorations, wooden holy symbol
3GuardAppraiseBronze helm, lantern
4WrestlerClimbGaudy decorations, 1 iron ration

Second Skill Point

You now get a second skill point to allocate as you like. Enjoy!

Social Rank 

With credit to d4 Caltrops' excellent Yoon-Suin resources for the idea.

Your character's social rank indicates how they are perceived by the denizens of Yoon-Suin: the slug-men are known to be the wealthy masters of the Yellow City, crab-men are known to be slaves (if they are known of at all), and the social position of humans and dwarves can be gauged by their appearance and wealth. Social rank has a number of effects:

  • It modifies reaction rolls in interactions between characters of different social ranks.
  • Certain goods and services are only available to certain social ranks.
  • Certain downtime activities requires a certain social rank to take part in.

When interacting with a character of a different social ranking, the difference between social ranks is used as a modifier on reaction rolls made when making requests or issuing threats. For example, if a dwarf of a swordsman family (rank 5) made a request of a slug-man oligopolist (rank 10), the slug-man's reaction roll would be made with a -5 modifier (after other modifiers, of course). Conversely the dwarf would scarce be able to refuse the oligopolist's demands, which would be made with a +5 modifier. This reaction can be modified in a number of ways:

  • Every 100sr presented as a gift by the lower ranking party reduces the modifier by 1, as gifts are appreciated and if a gift is presented then decorum must be maintained.
  • Blackmail material allows the lower ranking party to ignore the difference in social rank, and gives them a +4 modifier on the reaction roll.
  • Wearing fancy clothing reduces the modifier by 1. Conversely, not wearing fancy clothing increases the modifier by 1 if both parties are of the same rank, if they are above rank 4.
  • An important task completed for a social superior may reduce or eliminate the modifier, for a time, due to their gratitude at a job well done. I'll let you know if this occurs.

Each social rank has a monthly cost required to maintain it - this represents the costs of the lodgings, servants, food, drink and other particulars of conspicuous consumption required to remind the people of your station. If you can't, or won't, pay the cost of your social rank and instead pay for a lower social rank, roll 1d10 - if the result is lower than your current ranking you immediately drop to the rank that you have paid for.

Alexis Rives

The Debt

Your character has a reason that they're out adventuring instead of earning an honest wage - it's not a life that someone gets into because they made great choices. Between you your characters have racked up an impressive amount of debt to some rather nasty personages - roll 1d6 x 100 for the exact amount of gold rings you owe as a party. You'll need to pay off part of this (minimum 1%) each time you finish an adventure, and it doesn't count towards XP. If you miss a payment, expect consequences.

Starting Gear

This section is also shamelessly adapted/stolen from d4 Caltrops.

All characters start with a change of clothes, a pair of mojari/paduka sandals and 1d4 of the following:
  1. Woven grass backpack.
  2. Hammock or sleeping mat.
  3. Full drinking bladder of water, tea, or cheap rice liquor.
  4. Tinderbox.
  5. 2 iron rations
  6. 5 bamboo torches

Slaves and crab-men start with no extra cash.

Social ranks 2-4 start with 3d6 silver rings.

Social ranks 5-7 start with 6d6 silver rings.

Social ranks 8-10 start with 1d6 gold rings.

Magicians and slug-men start with a parchment spell book, and a pen & ink if they don't already have one.

Holy men start with a parchment scroll of divine prayers, and a pen &ink and wooden holy symbol if they don't already have one.

Dwarves start with a grotesque mask that they customarily wear around non dwarves (counts as a helmet).

Each character may then choose one item from each of the below tables:

Dog leather armour (light armour)
Rattan shield
Iron helm
Bronze ring mail (medium armour)
Fancy robe
Leather skull cap
Mirror plate (heavy armour)
Sandalwood shield
Antidote vial
Silver holy symbol
2 bandages
2 clay flasks of lamp oil

Recurve bow & full quiver
Tulwar (sword)
Iron shield
Pack beetle
Ji (polearm)
Gada (mace)
Tarangalah (axe)
20 arrows
Vel (spear)
Luwuk (short sword)
Light crossbow & full quiver

Miscellaneous 1
Steel mirror
Sandalwood shield
Brass lantern
Cooking gear
5 tea sachets
4 bamboo torches
Full drinking bladder (plum wine)
2d6 silver rings
Rattan backpack
3 iron rations

Miscellaneous 2
Mojari sandals
Full flask of cold tea
3 iron rations
50' rope
Riding gear
Fancy robes
Rattan backpack
2 bamboo flasks of lamp oil
Sling & full bullet pouch
Bamboo wicker shield
2 throwing spears

Miscellaneous 3
Gharial hide tent
2d6 silver rings
Woven grass sleeping mat
Pen, ink & 5 sheets of parchment
Armoured robe (light armour)
2 hemp sacks
50' silk rope
5 iron rations
3 tallow candles
Dao (sword)

With that, you're ready to head off to your inevitable gory demise long and glorious adventuring career!

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